Mark's Art

Using HTML5 & CSS

Making an Art Gallery

The simple beauty of common formatting by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is seen throughout this website, but especially on this page. I used the div tag with different classes to make the formatting for each image the same as the others. CSS also enabled me to use the ":hover" selector to make it so that when you place your mouse over the image, a border is shown. I also used the "_blank" attribute value in a link for each image so that when you click an image, a larger version will appear in a new tab or window.

Writing a Children's Book

If you're both the author and the illustrator, making a children's picture book can be quite a task. My first children's book will be a Bible story about Adam and Eve. While I finished the text almost a year ago, finding time to make the illustrations takes a bit longer. Here is a sampling of the colored pencil illustrations I've made so far:

Coloring Pages

These are some sketches I drew that can be used as coloring pages. During Christmas time, I printed out a card with the Mother Mary image below and let my daughters color it in. It's also interesting how much children like it when you take an interest in something they enjoy, like drawing.

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